Next Steps

Find Your Next Step!

What is your next step at Hope Tri-Cities or on your journey with Jesus?



“I’m ready to ask Jesus Christ to be my Savior.”
“I want to learn more about what it means to follow Jesus.” 

The first step in our spiritual journey begins with discovering who Jesus is and who He has made us to be. Choosing to follow Jesus is the most important life decision a person can make!


“I’m following Jesus but I’ve never been baptized in water.”
“Why is water baptism important for me to consider?” 

Water baptism is a way to symbolically identify in the death (going into the water) and resurrection of Jesus (coming out of the water) – dying to our old life and ways, and rising into our new life in Christ.

Holy Spirit Baptism

“I want to have more power and boldness in my life.”
“I want to better understand who the Holy Spirit is.” 

Jesus told his disciples, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…” (Acts 1:8). Being filled (baptized) with the Holy Spirit is Jesus’ promise to us (John 16:7).

Prayer, Bible Reading, Journaling (PBJ)

“I want to learn how to read my Bible.”
“I don’t understand how prayer works or how to pray.”

Learning how to pray, read God’s Word (the Bible), and journal, is how we have a conversation with God and learn to hear His voice.


“I want to talk with others about faith, life and God.”
“I need a place where I can ask my big questions.”

Alpha is a multi-week course that creates a space where people come and discuss life’s big questions about faith, life, and God.


“I want to understand what God says about giving.”
“I am ready to start giving regularly but don’t know how.” 

Learning how to manage the resources God pours into our life is an important part of following Jesus. Giving generously is what we do.



“I’m new to HOPE and I need meaningful friendships.”
“I want to learn how to study God’s Word with others.” 

Meaningful friendships and accountable relationships are vital to the health and well-being of a follower of Jesus. We were created for community!

Serving and Outreach

“How can I discover what God created me to do?”
“Where can I make a difference at HOPE or in my community?” 

Learning how to use your gifts, abilities, talents, and skills to serve others and the Lord is how we discover our unique calling for our life!


Sharing My Faith

“How do I tell others about the hope I’ve found in Jesus?”
“How do I start a spiritual conversation with someone else?” 

Learning how to share your faith is how we unleash hope to others! Someone shared the hope of Jesus to you. It’s time for you to share Jesus with someone else!

Let Us Pray For You